
Capital da onda

Peniche is full of flavour

Fish and seafood enrich the local cuisine, the soups and stews. Among many others is the specialty, “Peniche Fish Stew”. There are also sardines, grilled on the traditional grills at the doors of the restaurants. They are special, as is the Lobster, which is sweated, Peniche style. To accompany, wines from the western region are a good choice.

Other Flavours: the delicious sweets which stand out are the Peniche tarts, Amigos de Peniche “Penich Friends” and “Esses”, which are almond biscuits.


The Berlengas Island, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, of elevated botanical interest and great diving potential with boat trips as well

Trip on the tourist trolley (June to September), to explore the Peniche and Baleal Peninsula

Guided tours to historical-cultural heritage locations – 2 alternative pedestrian trails, one in Peniche and another in Atouguia da Baleia

Peniche Fortress, where numerous artisans work in front of audiences to showcase their know-how and their work

Interpretive Centre of Atouguia da Baleia

Municipal Museum

Bilros lace workshop

Don't miss

“Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem” festivities, which the intention is to remember and make you feel they do everything to keep alive their traditions – 1st weekend of August.

International Bobbin Lace Exhibition – last weekend of July

Bonfire Race, a nocturnal run illuminated by bonfires, followed by a free grilled sardine dinner – last Saturday in June